Serves 4
Venison steaks (or a boned roasting joint) may be encased in puff or shortcrust pastry, in the same way as fillet of beef.
340g short or puff pastry
4 loin or rump steaks of venison
113g chopped mushrooms
clove garlic, crushed
85g butter
about 57g breadcrumbs
egg yolk
Roll out the pastry and cut four oblong pieces large enough to enclose the steaks. Cook mushrooms and garlic in the butter gently, adding enough breadcrumbs to make a dampish stuffing. Sear the steaks quickly on both sides in a heavy pan which has been rubbed over with lard. Put some stuffing in the middle of a piece of pastry, then a steak, and some more stuffing. Repeat with the other steaks. Brush the pastry edges with beaten egg yolk and form turnovers. Brush the top, and bake for 20 minutes at gas-mark 6.