Preferably I'd bring two breeding rabbits so I'd never run out of them. I'd cook rabbit stuffed with black pudding, which is one of our house specialties in the Lindsey House. It's a very simple dish, but it is incredibly tasty. Rabbit meat is normally so dry and horrible, so we would stuff it with the black pudding and it would have to be wild rabbit, which has a totally different and wonderful flavour.
5 rabbit saddles with offal
10 slices of Bayonne ham
500g caul
500gm black pudding
75ml cream
50gm ceps
small cabbage, finely chopped
pinch of thyme flowers
Bone out the saddles into two loins leaving the belly attached. Pipe the black pudding along the length of the loin and wrap with the belly. Around this, fold a layer of Bayonne ham, the two layers of caul and tie gently in 3 or four places. Brown for 2-3 minutes in a frying pan and a further 2-3 minutes in the oven. Leave meat to stand for 3-4 minutes before carving. Blanch the cabbage lightly and toss in a little butter, then add salt and pepper to season. Pour a sauce of light game jus with dice of roast carrots and thyme flowers over the rabbit.
· Richard Corrigan is head chef at Lindsey House (21 Romilly Street, London, W1. Tel: 020 7439 0450). This recipe originally appeared as part of the OFM series, Desert Island Dishes.