1 cow heel
3 pints water
1 onion
1 piece celery
1 piece pumpkin
455g mixed root vegetables
1 tsp chopped parsley
2 tsp salt
grated nutmeg
lime juice
Cows' heels would not seem to be plump, fruitful, delicious or in any way edible but, strangely enough, they are considered a delicacy by some, especially in Barbuda. It is hard to know whether cow-heel is readily available or what happens to the cows whose heels are removed, but this recipe is simple enough and makes up a traditional Caribbean dish. Scald, scrape and thoroughly clean the cow-heel. Cut it up into large pieces and put to boil in salted water. Skim and add chopped seasonings. Pressure cook or boil until tender. Reduce heat to simmering point. Peel, wash, and dice vegetables. Remove meat from bone, and cut into neat pieces and return to soup with prepared vegetables, except pumpkin. Simmer soup again till vegetables are soft (about 30 minutes). Add pumpkin about 5 minutes before soup is finished. Add parsley and a few drops of lime juice, and grated nutmeg just before serving. Delicious.