1. Henley Regatta
The most common place to picnic at this annual regatta (3-7 July) is by the car, and some people never leave the carpark, although there is absolutely no view of the river from there. The thoughtful find a spot opposite. Some daft blazers, rigid rowing hierarchy topped by the Leander club(wearing pink) and posh picnics. A live lobster in a tank and silver candelabra were spotted one year. Those in the know, however, stop at the fishmongers in Marlow to pick up one of Declan O'Mahony's superb sushi-boxes or stop at his sushi bar for a quiet Sapporo and teriyaki chicken (Tel: 07971 412305).
Regatta details 01491 572 153.
2. Wimbledon tennis
Picnicking in the carpark is a downbeat affair but uterly necessary if you haven't got tickets (most of which, bar returns, have been snapped up right now) to be got out of the way, but once inside the grounds there are very expensive champagne and strawberry tents to part you from your cash (www.wimbledon.org. 24 June-7 July).
3. Windsor evening races
Royal Windsor Racecourse, Berkshire
This is the treat among treats, even if you don't like racing. Situated next to the river with the castle in the background (OK, slightly more distant than would be perfect but you can't have everything), Windsor racecourse is a small haven in a busy uncaring world. Everyone moves very, very slowly and there are umpteen Pimms tents (good) and loos that look like they've come out of the same era as The Railway Children (wooden and rickety). On every Monday evening until the end of summer .
Details 01753 865 234
Web: www.racemeetings.co.uk
4. Glastonbury Festival
Glastonbury, Somerset
In beautiful weather and with a quality line-up, Glastonbury is perfect for lazing and eating. After all, picknickers need to store energy needed for the hours of vigorous head-banging. And if you have brought a picnic there are plenty of food and drink stalls to top you up. This year's festival (28-30 June www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk) has already sold out, so you may simply have to visit the mystical leyline.
5. Glyndebourne
Near Lewes, Sussex
Probably the only place in the country where you see people in full evening dress setting out their picnics in the late afternoon, having already driven through the outer London suburbs looking faintly ridiculous. Most picnickers are old hands, who are on the hallowed list for opera tickets, so they know to pack wellingtons, not wear shoes with fabric heels and to grab a pitch on the covered terrace if the weather looks gloomy. On a fine night the gardens are magical, dotted with folding chairs, tartan rugs and carefully chosen food that won't cause unwanted sound later. Of course you could always use one of the restaurants, but that's not quite the same, is it?
Details: 01273 815000.
6. Cartier Polo
Royal County of Berkshire Polo Club
Nobody picnics like the polo set (apart from possibly Jilly Cooper and her friends). They bring tables and barbecues and sofas (yes, true) and more tables. Matching napkins, napkin rings, cutlery and crockery is a must, as are oysters.
Details 01344 890 060.
7. Lord's cricket ground
St Johns Wood Road
London NW8
This is a mainly male preserve and picnics flourish throughout the summer on match days. The cool place to be is the patch of grass behind the pavilion, and cricket goers in the know bag a space with their eski and rug before start of play.
Details: 020 7289 1611.
8. Kenwood
Hampstead Heath,
London NW3
Whether you are eating in the concert area (paid for) or outside (free, but just near enough to hear the music) Kenwood is perfect to gather with friends and food on a warm summer evening. If you don't want the bother of making the food, it is possible to order a Waitrose picnic when you book your tickets.
Details: 020 7413 1443
9. Newquay
Newquay is the premier surf site in Cornwall staging some major competitions. Given good conditions the surf on Fistral or Watergate beaches is as good as Malibu or Bondi. If you don't want to be shamed doing amateur stuff lying down, take a picnic and marvel at the experts, or totter up the coast to the less trendy Polzeath.
Surfcall 0839 360360
10. Regents Park Open Air Theatre
London NW1
Apart from the unpredictable English weather, aircraft are the biggest blight on this idyllic location. But stoics take rugs, umbrellas, thick coats and bracing amounts of booze. This year you can choose from Romeo and Juliet, As You Like It, Oh What a Lovely War and Merlin the Magnificent.
Details: 020 7486 2431