Vitamin C and stroke
Vitamin C is a nutrient known to have a multitude of roles in the body. Among other things, it has the ability to quench damaging molecules called free radicals, and also helps maintain the health and strength of the body's blood vessels. Previous studies have found that vitamin C has been linked with a reduced risk of major killers such as heart disease and cancer. A recent study suggested that it might help to protect against stroke too. Finnish researchers have discovered that men with high levels of vitamin C in their bloodstreams are about half as likely to suffer a stroke as men who are short on this nutrient. This study provides yet more evidence for the disease-preventive effects of vitamin C and gives us another reason to load up on plenty of foods rich in this nutrient including citrus fruit, broccoli, tomatoes and green peppers.
Morning sickness
Morning sickness affects about a third of all pregnant women. Naturally, many women afflicted with this condition are concerned about the effect anti-nausea medication may have on their baby, and often opt to suffer in silence. However, a recent review in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology concluded that morning sickness can often be treated quite safely with a natural approach. Taking a simple multivitamin and mineral supplement during pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of nausea and sickness. Other natural treatments found to be effective for morning sickness were vitamin B6 (30-75 mg per day) and ginger (250mg, four times a day).
Top ten tips for combating constipation
1. Eat more fibre
Fibre in the diet is an essential ingredient for keeping waste matter in the bowel moving nicely along. Fibre-rich foods include brown rice, oats, beans, pulses, fruit and veg.
2. Eat less wheat
Wheat-based products such as wholemeal bread and bran-based cereals are common instigators of bloating and discomfort. Oat-based cereals and whole rye bread are better options.
3. Use natural bulking agents
An effective and convenient way to increase your fibre intake is to add a natural bulking agent to the diet. One or two dessertspoonfuls of linseeds each day usually have the desired effect.
4. Drink more water
Without water, waste in the gut can become dry and stuck; a bit like the cork in the neck of a wine bottle. Drinking around two litres of water each day should help prevent any hold-ups in the large bowel.
5. Take exercise
Regular exercise is well known to help relieve constipation. Aim to take half an hour's worth of aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking or jogging, on most days.
6. Eat live yoghurt
The bacteria in live yoghurt help to promote health in the gut.
7. Take magnesium
Magnesium helps keep the muscles in the lining of the gut working normally. Eating green leafy vegetables will help keep magnesium intake up, or try supplementation (200-400 mg per day).
8. Try a natural laxative
Some natural products have a gentle laxative action. Optima Health's Colax (available from healthfood stores) contains a combination of natural laxatives including aloe vera, rhubarb and liquorice.
9. Always respond to the call of nature
Failing to respond to the urge to open your bowels may condition your body to suppress this reflex and worsen constipation in the long term. Whenever possible, let nature take its course.
10. Squat, don't sit
Squatting, rather than sitting, is believed to be a better anatomical position for effective elimination of waste from the bowel. Putting your feet up on the bathroom bin may just help tip the balance in your favour.
HDL and dementia
While cholesterol in the bloodstream has a reputation for clogging the body's arteries, it's not all bad. A type of cholesterol known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is known to help protect against heart disease and stroke, and is often dubbed 'good' cholesterol for this reason. In a recent study published in the Annals of Neurology, low levels of HDL were associated with an increased risk of dementia. Sugar in the diet has been shown to depress HDL levels and is best limited for this reason. On a positive note, regular exercise, coupled with a reasonable quota of oily fish, extra virgin olive oil and raw garlic in the diet, can help to boost HDL levels. These simple lifestyle interventions may just help to preserve our mental faculties as we age.