Stiff opposition
Osteoarthritis is a condition characterised by wear and tear in the spongy, shock-absorbing cartilage that lines the joints. People suffering from osteoarthritis not uncommonly come to have a procedure known as arthroscopy , where a miniature camera is introduced into the knee. During arthroscopy, damaged cartilage may be removed or the knee may be washed out with salt solution. Interestingly, a recent study found that neither cartilage removal or knee wash-outs produce results any better than a placebo operations where holes are made in the knee, but no surgery is performed. Anyone keen for more constructive treatment for their osteoarthritis might want to consider trying the natural substance glucosamine sulphate. This nutritional agent is believed to help rebuild damaged cartilage, and several well conducted placebo-controlled studies show that (at a dose of 1500 mg per day) it is very often effective in controlling the pain and stiffness typical of osteoarthritis.
Top ten tips to beat high cholesterol
1. Eat less carbohydrate
Contrary to popular opinion, most of the cholesterol in the bloodstream does not come from fat in the food we eat, but is made in the liver. A major stimulus for the production of cholesterol is insulin, which is secreted in response to carbohydrate-loaded foods such as white bread, white rice, potato, pasta, biscuits and cake. Cutting back on carbs can cut down cholesterol levels too.
2. Eat oats
Oats are one carbohydrate-rich food that tend not to precipitate surges in insulin. Porridge, muesli and oatcakes are all good sources.
3. Eat soya products
Studies suggest that soya helps to reduce low density lipoprotein(LDL) cholesterol. Try portions of tofu, tempeh (fermented tofu) and soya milk.
4. Eat less trans fatty acids
Trans fatty acids - partially hydrogenated fats - increase LDL levels. Avoid fast food, processed food, most margarines and baked goods such as biscuits and cakes.
5. Eat garlic
Garlic helps quell LDL cholesterol, and boosts healthy high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels.
6. Eat fruit
Certain fruits, notably grapefruit and apples, have natural cholesterol-reducing properties.
7. Eat nuts and seeds
Vitamin E in nuts and seeds protects cholesterol from oxidation which renders it toxic to the body.
8. Eat olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil has been shown to help reduce cholesterol levels, and protects it from oxidation too.
9. Eat oily fish
The healthy fats found in oily fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel, herring and sardines appear to help raise HDL levels.
10. Take exercise
It boosts HDL levels, and reduces risk of heart disease.
Just laugh it off
Is laughter the best medicine? The concept that laughter could help healing achieved widespread interest and some degree of credibility on the publication of the book Anatomy of an Illness in 1979. In it, the author, Norman Cousins, charts his recovery in 1964 from a severe rheumatological illness. The book details how Cousins watched comedy films as a critical factor in his complete and relatively rapid healing. However, what often seems to be overlooked when Cousins's experiences are recounted, is that during his recovery, he was given regular vitamin C infusions into a vein. Cousins even writes about how the vitamin C appeared to reduce inflammation in his body as demonstrated by a commonly used blood test. Science is just beginning to understand how our state of mind can affect our health, and there is every chance that Cousins did enjoy significant health benefit from laughter and an elevated mood. However, it is also likely that at least some of his recovery was attributable to the healing properties of vitamin C.
Sunny story
The omega-3 fats found in oily fish such as mackerel, herring, trout, salmon and sardines are well known to reduce the risk of heart disease. However, recent research suggests that another component of fatty fish - vitamin D - might also play a part in protecting against this condition. Studies have found that lower levels of vitamin D are associated with increased risk of heart disease. Recent research in women revealed that long-term supple-mentation with vitamin D appears to reduce risk of death due to heart disease by about a third. While oily fish is a good source of vitamin D, most of our needs for this nutrient are met by exposing our skin to sunlight. This means that those keen to get the benefits of vitamin D just need to get out more.