'I'm very pleased with myself at the moment because I've lost loads of weight since l'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here. All the women in the camp enjoyed eating the rice and beans, especially Christine and myself, because the pounds just dropped off (although I think Tara could have done with eating a little more). I loved being rationed while I was there because I find it a real bind to make myself eat low-fat, healthy, nutritious food. My basket's not completely loaded with junk but I get through enough packets of Walkers Lite crisps and take-away pizzas to balance out my tendency to eat organic, fresh and wholesome food.
I suppose I get back to my Scottish roots in the morning, because when I get up I like to make a bowl of porridge. It has a really nostalgic element for me. When I taste porridge I remember my early childhood in Edinburgh. I'll drink a glass of Grove Farm organic orange juice with it to perk me up a bit. All through the day I snack on fruit, like bananas, apples, and pears - that is, if I don't have some Duchy Originals organic stem ginger cookies in my cupboard. They are a recent and very welcome discovery. I must be quite a ginger fan because I also keep at least two bottles of Fentimans Ginger Beer in my fridge. I'm completely addicted to the stuff. Perhaps ginger contains something that my body craves.
I'm quite a good cook and I like to experiment with different recipes. A typical dish would be salmon steaks with potatoes and broccoli, or organic chicken breasts cooked in a curry sauce with coconut milk (half-fat). I will always pick the low-fat option if there is one. For lunch I might scoop up some hummus (half-fat, of course) with some wholegrain organic bread, but I'm trying to cut down on carbohydrates. I wash it all down with plenty of bottled water because they say it flushes out the system - and after a night in the comedy clubs I need a good cleanse.'
Fentimans Ginger Beer
In addition to imparting its full-bodied flavour, the Chinese root ginger used in this beverage may also bring some desirable health effects for Rhona. Ginger is known to have anti-inflammatory and circulation boosting effects in the body, and some research suggests it might help protect against heart disease and cancer. Unfortunately, not all the news about this drink is good. After water, its main ingredient is sugar, so moderation is the key, and it's good to see Rhona balancing her ginger beer consumption with a healthy intake of water.
Low-fat coconut milk
The fact that coconut contains saturated fat means it is often viewed in a pretty dim light. However, studies show that diets rich in coconut oil do not come with increased risk of heart disease. Also, there is evidence to suggest that some types of fat in coconut milk have anti-microbial action and help keep the body free of unwanted bacteria, yeasts and viruses.
Organic chicken breasts
As people turn away from red meat in their droves, chicken sales have soared. However, most supermarket chickens have been fed growth-promoting antibiotics that inevitably pollute not just their bodies, but ours too. Organic birds tend to be much less tainted in this respect and therefore have distinct health advantages over your average supermarket chook. I like Rhona's organic bent, especially when it comes to choosing chicken.
Organic porridge oats
There's quite a lot of evidence to suggest that oats offer significant nutritional advantages over other grains, such as corn and wheat. Oats tend to give a sustained release of sugar into the bloodstream, and therefore offer long-lasting fuel throughout the morning. Weight-conscious Rhona might be interested to know that, calorie for calorie, porridge has been shown to satisfy the appetite more effectively than other breakfast cereals, including cornflakes, bran cereals and even muesli.
Duchy Original organic stem ginger cookies
I have to confess that I buy this product occasionally and I agree with Rhona; they are delicious. However, oral gratification aside, these are essentially just posh biscuits, and it's difficult to make a case for them nutritionally. Still, as with the ginger beer, a little bit of what Rhona fancies is unlikely to do her much harm.
Walkers Lite crisps
There is little to recommend here from a health perspective. The fat in crisps is likely to contain damaged oils, known as trans-fatty acids, which are increasingly being linked with heart disease and cancer. The copious quantities of salt in this product are unlikely to help matters either. I applaud Rhona's attempts at damage-limitation by going for the reduced-fat variety. However, she might be better off seeking out an alternative savoury snack. Nuts fit the bill in this respect as they contain several healthy elements, such as healthy fats, magnesium and vitamin E.
Based on refined grain, heavy on fats (some of which are likely to be the particularly toxic 'trans-fatty' variety), and quite possibly loaded with additives, pizza can only ever inhabit a lowly place in the nutritional pecking order. As Rhona seems health-conscious and keen to shed some excess baggage, the less pizza she eats, the better.
Pears are rich in a class of compounds known as phenols, believed to have potential in combating conditions such as heart disease and cancer. Other good reasons for Rhona to get peared-up include the generous doses of vitamin C, potassium and fibre they have to offer.
Waitrose Grove Farm organic orange juice
Orange juice is a good source of several nutrients, including vitamin C and folic acid (which appears to reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers). Being organic, this juice is less likely than non-organic varieties to be laced with chemical residues. However, I am not a big fan of fruit juices on the grounds that processing can leave many of the fruits' health-giving elements behind, and pasteurisation tends to deplete the nutritional content still further. Choosing organic whole fruit would be a more wholesome option for Rhona.
Low-fat hummus
Chick peas are rich in substances called isoflavones. These oestrogen-like plant chemicals are believed to help reduce the risk of various conditions, including heart disease, osteoporosis and breast cancer. On the downside, most commercially available hummus is made with processed vegetable oils that may not be the best for our health. Opting for a low-fat variety may help here, though Rhona might like to consider whizzing up her own using extra virgin olive oil.
Rhona Cameron is performing in The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen from 14 October