Fight the fat
Fat has been singled out as the major dietary cause for the explosion in obesity that we have seen in the West over the last two decades. Yet countries that have seen a decrease in the percentage of calories coming from fat over the last couple of decades, such as the UK and the US, have seen vastly expanding waistlines over this period. In a recent number of studies examining the relationship between dietary fat and weight, it seemed an increase in fat consumption does not account for growing weight issues in the West. There is evidence that the major dietary element driving the epidemic of obesity is carbohydrate. Stuffing ourselves full of bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, cereals and the like triggers the production of insulin, which stimulates the conversion of sugar into fat in the body. Foods that tend not to provoke an insulin response include meat, fish, eggs, green vegetables, most fruits, nuts, beans and pulses.
Ten tips for a good sleep
1. Avoid caffeine
Caffeine is well-known for its stimulant properties, and does nothing to help sleep. As the effects of caffeine tend to linger in the body, avoid it after the morning rush.
2. Drink camomile tea
Camomile has a calming and soothing effect on the body and is a traditional sleep-inducing remedy. Swapping a mug of camomile tea for tea or coffee after dinner helps to improve the quality and quantity of our slumber.
3. Eat lettuce
Lettuce contains a substance called lactur carium that helps promote sleep by sedating the nervous system. A crisp green salad with supper is a good option for those who tend to have difficulty dropping off at night.
4. Eat protein at supper
Waking in the night is often caused by a drop in the level of sugar in the blood stream, causing the body to secrete adrenaline. A supper comprising protein (e.g. meat, fish, eggs, tofu), vegetables, and a little starch (e.g. bread, potatoes, pasta, rice), is generally best for blood sugar sustenance.
4. Have a bedtime snack
This can help to reduce the risk of blood sugar levels dropping in the middle of the night. Eating a piece of fruit and a handful of nuts before brushing your teeth can reduce the tendency to wake in the small hours.
5. Eat a banana
Bananas are rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that is converted into the calming and sleep-inducing brain chemical serotonin.
6. Take 5-hydroxytryptophan
5-HTP is the substance tryptophan is converted into on its way to becoming serotonin. In practice, 50 mg of 5-HTP (available in health food stores) taken before bedtime improves sleep in many insomniacs.
7. Take magnesium
Magnesium has a general sedating effect on the nervous system, and is one nutrient that tends to be deficient in our diets. Eating plenty of magnesium- rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, beans, pulses and nuts may help to ensure adequate intake of this nutrient. In addition, taking 400 mg of magnesium with supper seems to help.
8. Take Valerian
This herb has been found in studies to reduce the amount of time it takes to get to sleep, and it improves sleep quality. It is not addictive and seems relatively free of side-effects.
9. Take a bath
There is some evidence that a drop in body temperature helps promote sleep. Take a hot bath about an hour before bedtime and then retire to a not too heated bedroom.
10 Sniff some lavender
Dabbing a couple of drops of lavender oil on your temples or on your pillow may help.
Stomach cancer and diet
Recently researchers attempted to look at the association between risk of stomach cancer and consumption of fruit and vegetables. Fruit and veg are rich in anti-oxidant nutrients and phyto-chemicals that can help ward of cancer. In a 10-year study of 40,000 men and women, Japanese researchers found fruit consumption of just once a week or more appeared to reduce the risk of cancer by about a third. People who ate white-fleshed vegetables such as cabbage and cucumber at least one day a week appeared to cut their risk of stomach cancer by half.
Babies and cod liver oil
A growing body of evidence shows that what a mother eats during pregnancy can have a profound influence on the health of her baby. One nutrient that seems to have particular value in this respect is a fat known as docosohexaenoic acid (DHA). This 'healthy' fat, found in oily fish and cod liver oil, is believed to be very important in the development of the brain both during pregnancy and early in life. Recently, Norwegian researchers published a study in which women were given DHA-rich cod liver oil (10 mls per day) or corn oil (containing no DHA) from the eighteenth week of pregnancy until three months after they had given birth. Four years later, the children's intelligence was assessed using standard tests. Children born to cod liver oil supplemented mothers were found to solve problems and process information better than those supplemented with corn oil. Taking a couple of teaspoons of cod liver oil each day during pregnancy and breast-feeding might turn out to be a smart move for mothers keen to give their little ones a head start in life.