Welcome to the second annual OFM food awards. Once again we would like you to vote for your favourite restaurant, deli, bar or a great place for kids. Every entry will be entered into a draw to win one of 10 luxury hampers from Waitrose.
The categories
Eating out
1 Best cheap eats (under £20 per head) This could be anything from a greasy spoon, to a gastropub. If you can eat great food for under £20 (excluding booze) then vote for it.
2 Best restaurant (over £20 per head) Whether it's somewhere you visit every week, or a place you'd only go to on very special occasions, vote for the best restaurant in the UK (without wine).
3 Best Sunday lunch. We want to know your favourite place to eat lunch on a Sunday, whether it's a classic roast at your local, or a Michelin-starred restaurant.
4 Best place to drink It could be a pub, a bar or a club - tell us your favourite watering hole.
5 Best restaurant for kids.
It could be a special children's restaurant or simply a place where the staff makes eating out with the kids a pleasure.
6 Best place for breakfast.
It could be a cafe that serves a great fry-up or an all-day restaurant that serves delicious smoked salmon and scrambled eggs.
7 Best independent food retailer. From specialist cheesemongers to butchers, bakers, and fishmongers - we want to know about the smaller food retailers that provide the best produce. This could even be a stand at a farmers' market, or your local deli.
8 Best organic product. What is the one organic food or drink product you can't do without? Tell us the one you rate above all others. (Please include brand)
Other foodie interests
9 Best food and/or drink book. From recipe books and exposés of the food industry, to chefs' memoirs and fiction with a foodie theme, name your favourite food/drink book in the last year.
10 Best food and/or drink programme. It could be a documentary, a cookery show or any TV or radio programme related to food or drink, over the last 12 months. Name your favourite.