Come here for donker and bloomer, pinhead and pumpkin loaves, fresh fennel bread, quiche and brioche. But most of all, for patisserie confections so impossibly perfect that they could be couture dolls' hats.
From chocolate orange tricorn truffles to mango and blue poppyseed mousse, the fragrant selection changes daily. Passion fruit and raspberry gateau, a champagne-light pillbox of frothy fruit sandwiched between silk-thin sponge layers, glazed thick with dripping berries, does wonders for Monday.
Opened by three friends - manager Drew Massey, baker Martin Wilson, and five-star patissier Claire Coussmaker - this is the kind of food drop that people pray will fall into their neighbourhood.
A couple of whitewashed wooden tables for the lucky few offer a corner of coffee-newspaper-bavarois paradise.