I probably ate quite healthily in the Sixties. My mum shopped at the local butcher and greengrocer and we ate only what was in season. So you only had strawberries for two weeks of the year. It was a real treat and they tasted delicious.
I get blamed for anorexia but I've always had a healthy appetite. I think you can see it in my face back then. Anorexics look gaunt. I wasn't gaunt. I had a bar of Fruit & Nut every night . Now I keep a bar of Green & Black's in the fridge and have one square at a time. No diets, absolutely not. I was lucky. I probably got the genes from my dad. He lived to 81 and had the fi gure of Fred Astaire. I remember doing my fi rst photo shoot with Richard Avedon for American Vogue and I had to wait for all these six-foot models to be photographed first as the clothes were all too big for me. So while I was waiting around for the tiny clothes I just sat and ate. They introduced me to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I've loved peanut butter ever since.
I like to do my own food shopping - I'd never let anyone else do it, and try to buy things that are in season. I don't use farmers' markets in London but I do shop in markets in Suffolk, where we have a house. In London I have just discovered Borough Market. I do a tapdancing class nearby and I go there on my way home.
I eat chicken and fish but always organic. There's a very good organic butcher round the corner. I don't eat red meat but my husband, Leigh, does. We have one daughter who is vegetarian and one who is not. So meals tend to be quite complicated because I am catering for several tastes.
I buy lots of fresh vegetables and fruit. I love mangoes and passion fruit and I use lemons and limes a lot in cooking - and fennel and coriander. I do a lot of oriental-style cooking and I kind of make it up by learning the basics through recipe books and then doing my own version.
I don't drink as much water as I should and I love my breakfast tea in the morning. I also have a lot of herb teas. I never drink coffee. I get palpitations. I love juices and bought a juicer which I used madly for a month and then stopped. I got bored with the preparation and washing up afterwards. It all takes too much time. I buy smoothies - I think the ones by Innocent are great.
For breakfast I'll eat Puffed Wheat without sugar, Weetabix, organic cornflakes and porridge in winter. I love Marmite. Leigh hates it. He thinks it's because his mum used to put it on too thick and it burnt his mouth.
I like to steam clams, I'm frightened of mussels - they're a bit pungent and I'm not sure I could tell a good one from a bad one. There is a great place called FishWorks near our house in west London. Leigh bought their cook book and it tells you what to look for when buying fish. They've got to have shiny eyes, which sounds horrible, but supermarket fish often have cloudy eyes.
Cocoa is rich in nutrients like magnesium and copper and plant polyphenols that research suggests benefi t the heart. Dark chocolate, relatively low in sugar, is the way to go for those keen to preserve their health.
Eating greens such as these may off er health benefi ts to Twiggy in the long term. Eating fennel may have shorter term benefi ts too, as this vegetable is renowned for its ability to calm any indigestion or belching that can come after a meal.
Mango is rich in anacardic acid and anacardiol, which have natural antidepressant action, while passion fruit contains agents known as hamala alkaloids which are believed to help sedate the nervous system.
Peanuts are actually a nutritious food believed to help avoid heart disease. Some peanut butters contain 'partially hydrogenated' vegetable oils that have considerable heart disease-inducing potential. Twiggy should avoid these.
Although meat can form part of a healthy diet, due to intensive farming, chicken and fish can be prone to chemical adulteration. For this reason, I reckon Twiggy staying organic will benefit her long-term health.
Keeping up a good intake of water helps maintain hydration, which has been linked with a reduced risk of heart disease and some forms of cancer. Herb teas make a good alternative for those looking for beverages with more flavour.
Clams are a natural, unprocessed food that will offer useful and important nutrients like iron and zinc. As with mussels, they need to be chosen and cooked with care, but are otherwise worthy of a place in Twiggy's generally wholesome diet.