Interview by Suki Dhanda 

What’s in my basket?

Sir Patrick Moore's diet of eggs, seafood and the odd glass of red should keep him happy, says Dr John Briffa.

I always have the same thing for breakfast. Four cups of coffee. I must admit, I drink coffee to excess. I drink it all through the day. I'll occasionally eat an egg, but that's as far as I will go. I'm very fond of eggs though they were nearly the death of me. The only time that I ever missed presenting The Sky At Night was when I had salmonella from a goose egg. I very nearly died.

I spend most of my time in my study and I tend to eat in there. I'm generally a one meal per day person. Lunch is very often just a cup of soup. Tomato is a particular favourite of mine. I'm not a pudding man at all though I do have fruit - pears and grapes, and I like bananas very much.

Supper is the main meal of the day for me. I like things that have come out of the sea, always have done. I could happily live on fish. One of the most delicious things in the world is an avocado cut in half filled with fresh prawns, mayonnaise and tomato ketchup. I'm not a salad eater and I'm not very fond of vegetables. There's a very good fish-and- chip shop near where I live. I used to enjoy going there to eat, but now it has to be brought to me.

My life has had to alter completely in the past five years. Before then I was very energetic. I never married. I lived with my mother until she passed away in 1981. Now my health has deteriorated, I need to have full-time carers. They make all my meals for me. I used to enjoy cooking from time to time. I miss doing that. I used to make my own wine - I think my best was rose petal but I once gave mint wine a go. It was quite the nastiest thing you'd ever tasted. I normally have a couple of glasses of white wine of an evening. I like retsina. I don't drink a lot, though. I've only ever been drunk twice in my life.

Between the ages of five and 15, I wasn't well so my family and I couldn't travel abroad much, but I made up for it after that. I love British food, but I've always enjoyed what I ate when I was abroad, although when I was in Egypt I lived on bananas, oranges, bottled water and neat whisky. Everyone else had tummy troubles, but I was fine. Norwegian food is a favourite of mine. They're very keen on eggs and seafood.

I'm sure there are life forms on other planets. I refuse to believe we are the only ones. The nearest star that might have an earth like ours is several light years away. But eventually we'll be able to time-travel, provided we don't destroy ourselves first. One more war and we could be back in the Stone Age.

Global warming will definitely affect the food that we eat. The future of food depends on the future of mankind. There is a lot of talk about GM food. I don't know a lot about it. What I do believe is that we should be very careful playing God with the food we eat.

· Bang! The Complete History of the Universe by Brian May, Patrick Moore and Chris Lintott is published by Carlton Books, £20


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