Wayne Rooney
Eat and Two Veg: Wayne Rooney wants to eat meat at your restaurant, will that be possible? 'No, not at all. The owner even goes crazy if someone opens a packet of chicken-flavoured crisps. Sorry.'
The Gate: Is it possible for Wayne to order a meat dish? 'No, I'm afraid not. Perhaps he should consider going to another restaurant?' Coleen wants to eat at yours. She's heard it's where Gwyneth eats. 'Well, I'm afraid we can't make an exception.'
Rasa: 'We don't serve meat.' Would it be possible to make an exception for Wayne Rooney? 'Who is he?' Wayne Rooney, the footballer. 'No.'
Freddie Flintoff
Eat and Two Veg: Freddie wants to know if he can have a meat dish when he visits? 'Sorry, no. We are a vegetarian restaurant.' But he's famous. Surely you can bend the rules for him? 'We don't even have meat suppliers. It just wouldn't be possible.'
The Gate: 'Sorry, he can't order a steak. He should go elsewhere if that's what he wants.' He really wants to eat at the Gate, couldn't you slip something in for him? 'We don't make special arrangements for anyone.'
Rasa: 'We don't allow meat in the restaurant. It's not fair on our other customers and there are no exceptions.'
Janet Street-Porter
Eat and Two Veg: Can Janet have any meat dishes when she comes in? 'I doubt that. We are a vegetarian restaurant.' She is famous. Can you make an exception? 'I will ask my manager and call you back.' He doesn't.
The Gate: Janet Street-Porter wanted to know if she'd be able to have a steak when she comes in with a friend? 'We never ever serve meat.' Can you make an exception? 'No.'
Rasa: Janet Street-Porter would like to be able to have a steak when she comes in. 'I don't think so.' Surely you can do it for her? She's a big star! 'Never.'
Eat and Two Veg, London. 0871 0757475
The Gate, London. 0871 3328821
Rasa, London. 020 7249 0344