Wales has a higher rate of child poverty than any of the other countries in the UK, according to Save the Children. One of the ways the Welsh government has been tackling the problem is breakfast clubs.
It began in 2004, with the piloting of the primary school free breakfast initiative, which targeted the most disadvantaged areas of the country. The programme was then introduced across the country three years later, allowing any maintained primary school to take part.
Five years on, almost 75% of primary schools across Wales have breakfast clubs.
"Because of the devolved education services in Wales there is the opportunity for the Welsh government to prioritise things in a different way than in other parts of the UK," says Pam Boyd, director of education charity ContinYou Cymru. "The Welsh government still promotes the idea of schools being community-focused in a way that is now different to schools elsewhere, particularly in England."
Breakfast clubs have been made a priority because they are seen as a necessary part of education, helping to improve learning and attendance.
"The minister for education in Wales has stated that addressing the impact of poverty on education is one of the priorities of the government," explains Boyd. Despite proposed legislation in the Assembly to transfer funding for clubs to local authorities, there was a commitment at the last election to continue with the scheme. It continues to grow, with the budget for 2012-13 rising to £12.7m.