My father grew up in Wiltshire, and as kids we went most weekends, going for long family walks. This is something I've kept going with my own children, and on the way we will usually take in one or more great foodie spots. Beatons Tea Room and Bookshop in Tisbury has lovely cakes and does a really good pot of tea.
In Salisbury I'll buy excellent meat, especially lamb and beef, from Pritchetts the Butcher, which also has a very good deli. And just over the border in Dorset, Stoate and Sons at Cann Mills near Shaftesbury does a range of great stoneground flours. This is flour at its best, and you can buy it from the mill door.
For organic home-grown produce I like Kenson's Farm in Sutton Mandeville. Their seasonal vegetables all taste fantastic, and they also have a stall at Salisbury Market (Tuesdays and Saturdays).
There are some great country pubs in Wiltshire, and one of my favourites is the Compasses Inn in Lower Chicksgrove. It serves delicious pub food with a very good selection of real ales, and its garden is lovely.
The Lamb at Hindon is a good old-fashioned coaching inn with lovely food, great atmosphere and a great setting. The Beckford Arms at Fonthill Gifford has been refurbished recently after a fire. It's an interesting place with a lot of history, the food is pretty good too.
Back in Salisbury, I like Fisherton Mill. It has interesting contemporary art, studio space and good snacks and hot lunches at its cafe.
Theo Randall is the Michelin-starred chef and owner of Theo Randall at the Intercontinental, London (020-7318 8747, theorandall.com)