Interview by Holly O'Neill 

Monica Galetti’s secret ingredient: fennel

The Masterchef: the Professionals judge likes her fennel braised, seared, in salad – and seasoned with coffee

sliced fennel
‘Sliced fennel, seasoned, dressed – I could eat it a bowl of it.’ Photograph: Brett Stevens/Getty Images/Image Source

Summer is my favourite time to have fennel. Slice the bulbs super-thin, then season with a little bit of salt and pepper, dress with olive oil and lemon juice, and then mix it up – you can even break in the fennel fronds. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes and it goes slightly soft – and it’s one of my favourite things. I could eat a bowl of it to myself, but it makes a brilliant side for the family, especially with fish.

I’ve done it in my restaurant with orange segments, that’s one of my favourite ways to have it. Also, a bit of coffee. Take instant coffee, and grind it into a powder then season the fennel with that to give it a bitterness – it’s pretty amazing.

I love pickled fennel, roast fennel, fennel soup, fennel puree … It’s great braised. You sear it, then add garlic, herbs and you can add a bit of wine (but if you want to keep it simple, just add water), cover it and braise it until it goes tender. Delicious.

Keep the fronds, and drop them in at the end for any fennel dish you’re cooking, or go fancy and sprinkle them over the top as you serve. I grow bronze fennel in my garden, so I can always take the fresh leaves or flowers to sprinkle over salad, and of course the pollen is so precious for chefs. It’s so easy to grow, it’s so pretty and self-spreads everywhere, and comes back every year.

Monica at Home by Monica Galetti (Aster, £20) is out now


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