Sanjiv Bhattacharya 

Dennis the menace

'Rodman's had the police round over 50 times, but the bar's still open - just'.

There's a storm brewing on Newport Beach in Orange County, California, and at its eye, wondering why, stands Dennis Rodman, the basketball hero who is famous for going out with Madonna, dressing as a woman and briefly marrying Baywatch babe Carmer Electra when he was under the influence in Las Vegas. He also just happens to be one of the greatest players - if somewhat controversial - the NBA has ever seen. Not that anyone even mentions his playing career right now. Instead the talk is of Rodman's battle with the city officials who are pounding him for noise violations, threatening to close down his beloved marina restaurant-bar Josh Slocums and even talking about jailtime. It's got so bad that Rodman, all tattoos, piercings and multicoloured hair, is considering running for city council himself. His policy? 'I'm not going to do anything, I'm just going to give people freedom to live their lives the way they want.'

The fuss erupted on 12 May at Rodman's fortieth birthday party. It was held at his home on Seashore Drive, a thin squat street lined with terraced bungalows in pink and blue (you could spot Dennis's place, known otherwise as Club 4809 by the portaloos in the front yard). Round about lunchtime he made his grand arrival by helicopter, landing on the beach to the cheers of his 200 guests. Then he unleashed two live rock bands in his back yard while everyone waded into the beers. And by teatime, the police were at his door - in riot gear - with TV cameras in tow, citing a flood of neighbourly complaints about decibels and the lack of helicopter permits.

It was the party that broke the council's back. So far in the last year, he's had the police round for noise complaints over 50 times, been fined $8,500 and received 14 Disturbance Advisory Cards. And now, the district attorney's office is going for broke. Rodman's been charged with three criminal misdemeanours, and could face a sentence of 18 months, not to mention $3,000 in fines. Throw in the probation violation - he was previously collared for DUI (driving under the influence) - and his birthday debacle might be a further year in jail and $,2000 more in fines.

Clearly the knives are out. Not only is the council trying to change the statutes governing noise , but it has threatened to shut down Josh Slocums for playing live music and allowing its patrons to dance. Not that live music and dancing are prohibited in Newport Beach. But at Josh Slocums, known affectionately as Dennis's Place, there appears to be a problem arranging the permits. The rumpus has all the hallmarks of a celebrity witchhunt, despite the the council's claim that 'no special case is being made for Mr Rodman'.

Prior to Rodman's involvement earlier this year, the restaurant was waning, a vestige of old conservative Newport Beach. Now, after $500,000 of the NBA star's investment, it's booming, and the car park is stuffed with Ferraris and Jags. Ernie Minney, son of the original owners is staggered. 'It's totally different than what we had,' he says. 'We had weddings and funerals. We took a lot of pride in the food and had family antiques there. It was a monument to sailors. Now it looks like something out of Hollywood.'

'You don't find this in LA, look around - everyone is smiling, everyone's happy,' says Floyd, an old friend of Rodman's, who promotes a night called RSVP on Wednesdays. 'I pick happy staff. Happy, sexy staff who remember you from the last time.' Always on the move, sending drinks to tables, introducing boys to girls and girls to boys, Floyd's a natural host, he makes it feel like a house party. And he's right. Not a scowl in sight. After the diners are done, the tables are cleared and the DJ kicks in. The young folk of Newport Beach can barely believe their luck.

'I never used to come here,' says Mary Jo Mercedes, a pretty young hair stylist from nearby Costa Mesa. 'But now I come all the time. You come here twice and you're a regular, they treat you like old friends.'

Another patron, Bob Reeves was incredulous when he heard that the council was considering closing the place. 'Why? Every time I come here I've found Dennis to be a very gracious host. I'll tell you what it is - it's because he's a young, rich, black guy who likes to push the envelope a little. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a race issue, I mean this is Orange County.' Reeves is a civil rights lawyer, old enough to be Dennis's father.

It was always going to be a rough ride for Dennis. He moved to Newport Beach back in 1996 to savour the sea breeze, the beaches and the chance to party with his friends, a long way from the intrusion and attitude of LA. But the mere presence of this carousing maverick raised the hackles of the older residents who remember the days when John Wayne was a model neighbour. He didn't have these raucous parties, snipe the outraged letters in the local press.

'That's right, John Wayne came here and didn't move a bone,' says Rodman, shrugging. 'I'm different, I like to make a contribution, I like to light the place up a little. It's a great place, Newport Beach. The people are laid back, they moved here so they can enjoy themselves and - you've been to the club - now they can! All the complainers, they're just jealous and miserable. Come on, this is the beach. People go to the beach to have fun.' When the council was moving to tighten the noise ordinances, Rodman turned up and had his say. 'I just told them, "hey, this is bullshit, I know you're just changing the law because of me, and you can't do that. It's not like I'm killing babies or anything, I'm just having a party".' It was when he stepped out to face the bank of press, exasperated by the WASP wall of byelaw-citing bureaucrats that Rodman had a brainwave. 'I decided I'd run for council myself. Why not?'

And already the campaign is underway. Josh Slocums regulars have taken to wearing white T shirts that read 'Let Dennis Have Fun!!!' In the middle is a sketch of Rodman's face as the devil complete with horns and his tongue sticking out. Which is ironic, given that the all-new noise ordinances equally affect the members of His Way Ministry, who regularly make the Newport pier their singing stage. It would only take a few complaints to drive them off the pier for good. 'Don't ask me what I'm going to do, I'm just going to run and see what happens,' he says with a chuckle. Vote Rodman is a tantalising prospect - you can see the literature already: 'he'll fight for your right to party'. Meanwhile, the queues at Josh Slocums just gets longer and Rodman's taste for the restaurant game is stronger than ever. Word is, he recently met the Aubergine chef Tim Goodell to talk about opening a restaurant in nearby Costa Mesa. Watch this space.


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