Dr John Briffa 

Breast practice

Dr John Briffa on the foods that can help reduce the risk of breast cancer.

· 10 tips to help prevent breast cancer

1. Eat soya-based foods
Foods such as soya milk, tofu and tempeh contain hormone-like substances called phytoestrogens that research suggests help block the breast cancer-inducing effects of the hormone oestrogen.

2. Eat chickpeas
Rich in phytoestrogens, their regular consumption may have protective benefits for the breast in the long term.

3. Eat flaxseed
Flaxseed (linseed) contains a particular type of phytoestrogen known as lignans. Consuming a dessertspoonful or two of ground linseed each day (with food or swallowed with water) is a good ploy for women wishing to protect themselves from breast cancer.

4. Eat citrus fruits
These are rich in flavonoids that have the capacity to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells in the test tube.

5. Eat cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower contain a substance called indole-3-carbinol that appears to quell oestrogen's cancer-causing effects in the body.

6. Eat oily fish
Studies show that the consumption of omega-3 fats (found in oily fish like salmon, trout, mackerel and sardine) is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer.

7. Go easy on the alcohol
Alcohol has the capacity to increase the risk of breast cancer, though this can be offset by a decent intake of folic acid. Good sources include green leafy vegetables and oranges.

8. Breast-feed
Evidence suggests that breast-feeding is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer. It seems it is good for mother and child alike.

9. Be active
One study has found that women who partake in activities such as cycling or walking for an hour or more each day appear to reduce their risk of breast cancer by about a fifth compared to more sedentary women.

10. Get out in the sun
Research suggests that sunlight exposure is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer. Ultraviolet light increases the production of vitamin D - a nutrient that is known to offer protection against cancer.

Colon cancer

Colon cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in the UK, and the risk is believed to be related to our dietary habits. There is evidence that, in addition to a diet rich in fibre, a higher intake of certain nutrients, including vitamin D, folic acid and calcium, helps to protect against this. A recent study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, found that 10 years or more of nutrient supplementation was associated with a 30 per cent reduction in the incidence of colon cancer. This supports growing evidence that long-term supplementation with a multivitamin and mineral can help prevent illness.

Antibiotics and probiotics

Many parents would prefer their children not to have antibiotics, but they are sometimes deemed necessary for infections affecting the ears and throat. One potential effect of antibiotics is to kill healthy bacteria in the gut. This may give rise to diarrhoea, but might also lead to longer term digestive problems. In a recent study, children treated with antibiotics for 10 days were supplemented with healthy gut bacteria ('probiotics') in a milk drink. Another group were given just milk. A third of children drinking plain milk suffered from diarrhoea, compared to none of those supplemented with the probiotic. This suggests that topping up healthy gut bacteria (using a capsule or a specialised milk-based drink) can protect against digestive upset associated with antibiotics.


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