Jeremy Lee, Interview by Molly Tait-Hyland 

My secret ingredient: colatura di alici

Chef Jeremy Lee on the precious anchovy condiment that adds roundness to dishes such as braised lamb and porchetta tonnato

Colatura di alici, an Italian anchovy condiment.
Colatura di alici, an Italian anchovy condiment. Photograph: Gourmet Cetera

Alici is the essence of anchovy and it’s a very precious condiment. It comes in a very small bottle, like a bottle of perfume. It’s not cheap, but it’s relatively easy to get, and a little goes a long way. It’s never gone off – well, not that it lasts long enough to find out. I get it from Andy Harris at the Vinegar Shed and use it very sparingly.

It’s an elegant variation on using Worcestershire sauce in something, but it’s not so overwhelming. There’s a softness to it that’s amazing, it adds a roundness. You just need a few drops.

It’s extraordinary in braised lamb and hogget dishes – lamb and anchovy is such a fabulous combination. Pork too. I add the alici to porchetta tonnato as a final flourish, much as you would add a squeeze of lemon juice. I find the combination of alici and lemon juice incredible in all sorts of dishes. It’s an extraordinary ingredient and one I cherish.

Jeremy Lee is chef-proprietor at Quo Vadis, London W1D


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