Exclusive to OFM, Nigel Slater's new recipes are quick, easy and delicious. This month he shows you how to make the perfect spring supper - from a classic skate dish for two to a smoky bean stew for four.
Exclusive to Observer Food Monthly, Nigel Slater's brilliant new recipes are quick, easy and delicious. He shares his expert tips and shows you how to make the most of fresh, simple ingredients.
Game is disappearing, sticky puddings are few and the resolution to buy British is waning after months of root vegetables and apples. Instead Nigel Slater salivates over halibut, chicory and fruits from foreign places.
Christmas is over - thank goodness - and we're now in winter proper. Time to fall back on those dried beans, and - if you're Nigel Slater - pop out to the market for fresh rhubarb, pineapple and a sea bass.
When Observer writer Sam Taylor moved his family to south-west France this year, he worried about all the things he'd miss, but watery turkey and smelly sprouts in drizzly, cold England were not on the list
Each month we ask a chef to choose five ingredients they'd want if they were stranded on a remote island, and what they'd cook with them. Luckily the island has a wonderful herb garden and its own olive grove. The rest is up to them...